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What’s the Difference Between a Liberal Democrat and an Episcopal Bishop? Bishop Budde Lectures Our President

 A riddle:

Question: How can you tell the difference between a liberal Democrat and an Episcopal bishop?

Answer: An Episcopal bishop wears a funny hat.

On my tortured road to the Catholic Church, I abided for a time with the Episcopalians. While studying at Harvard, I went through confirmation classes at Boston’s Trinity Church. I was attracted by the pageantry of Trinity’s religious services and by the Episcopal liturgy. 

In time, however, I became disenchanted. I realized that being an Episcopalian was very little different from being a progressive Democrat. Thus, I left the Episcopalian and became Catholic.

Other Episcopalians have become disaffected with their denomination. One article reported that the venerable denomination fell from a peak membership of 3.4 million in 1959 to 1.58 million in 2020. Indeed, the Episcopal Church is losing members so fast that one commentator predicted its demise by 2040. 

However, the Episcopal hierarchy is unbowed, and the elaborately robed bishops continue to lead their flocks toward oblivion. In this spirit of self-destruction, Bishop Budde delivered a disrespectful lecture (disguised as a sermon) to President Trump at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC. President Trump demanded an apology, which he is unlikely to get.

Bishop Budde made two main political points. First, she expressed fear for gay, lesbian, and transgender Americans, saying: 

I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now . . . There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives.

Second, the Bishop challenged President Trump’s immigration policy. “The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals,” the Bishop exhorted and begged the President to show mercy “on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here.”

I want to briefly challenge Bishop Budde’s political themes. First, I don’t believe that American gays, lesbians, and transgender people fear for their lives. Nor do I think President Trump has ever said or done anything that should frighten our nation’s LGBTQ communities.

Second, Budde’s insinuation that Trump would harass or deport immigrants who entered this country to escape persecution is not entirely accurate. The President is merely requiring immigrants to follow established legal processes and trying to stop the entry of criminals and drug traffickers from entering the United States.

Deportation processes may indeed disrupt some immigrant families, but I believe our government can remove illegal immigrants humanely. We will soon see.

Speaking as a Catholic and ex-Episcopalian, I suggest Bishop Budde pursue her political agenda as a layperson. Perhaps she should become an employee of the Democratic Party. I’m sure the Democrats would be happy to hire her and allow her to continue wearing her funny hat.

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