HomePERSONALWhat the hell was Nancy Pelosi doing in Belgium anyway?

What the hell was Nancy Pelosi doing in Belgium anyway?

 The will to power came to take the place of the will to justice, pretending at first to be identified with it and then relegating it to a place somewhere at the end of history.

Albert Camus

Last December, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi suffered a severe injury while traveling in Europe. She fell in her high-heel shoes and underwent hip replacement surgery in Luxembourg.

What the hell was Nancy Pelosi, a wobbly octogenarian, doing in Europe anyway? According to a press release from her office, Pelosi traveled to Belgium and Luxembourg as a member of a bipartisan congressional delegation to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.

Really? Does anyone think Nancy’s junket benefited her California constituency in any way? And how did she get to Belgium? It’s safe to assume she didn’t fly coach.

Nancy went to Belgium five years ago to attend the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. Isn’t one European holiday enough for Nancy to celebrate the Second World War?

Americans will remember that the Democrats were predicting the end of democracy last fall if Trump were elected President. They were calling him a fascist and a Nazi. Given the perilous state of the Republic, why did Pelosi think it was a good idea to put on high-heeled shoes and go to Belgium?

Our so-called progressive politicians pretend to be fierce advocates for social justice, but all they really want is power and the perks that go with it. Karen Bass, mayor of the nation’s second-largest city, was in Africa as a presidential delegate when the Eaton and Palisades fires broke out. Is running Los Angeles a part-time job?

Our national debt tops $36 trillion and grows bigger every day, and yet President Biden, far gone in senile dementia, jets off to Angola. Meanwhile, federal bureaucrats don’t even show up for work.

America’s house is on fire, and Donald Trump showed up to douse the flames. Unfortunately, he may have arrived too late to save us.

Thank you for your service!
Photo credit: MEGA

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