The Right Mortgage & Protection Network has introduced an accreditation scheme for advisers in the buy-to-let mortgage space.
Available to individuals active within the network who fulfil the criteria, Buy-to-let Accredited Advisers are designated as those who offer specialist advice in this product sector, who hold Competent Adviser Status with the network for both mortgages and protection and who commit to working closely with The Right Mortgage within the buy-to-let space.
To achieve the accreditation the adviser will need to meet a quality metric, as determined by the network, with over 80% file grading throughout their cases.
The Right Mortgage is working closely with Chetwood Financial Group distribution director Roger Morris, on this initiative.
In association with Chetwood Financial, The Right Mortgage has awarded just under 20 advisers with the accreditation. Maintenance of Accredited Adviser status will take place annually; it will also be determined by the individual’s involvement in the scheme, in buy-to-let-focused events, and their commitment to development and education.
The start of Buy-to-Let Adviser Accreditation follows the launch last year of a similar scheme by The Right Mortgage focused on those advisers who offer specialist later life lending advice.
Commenting on the launch The Right Mortgage head of lending Victoria Clark said: “Following the success of last year’s later life lending accreditation scheme, we at the network are awarding other specialist product sectors where we can work with our adviser members, help develop their propositions and provide them with a further layer of support and resource.”