Skipton International has reduced mortgage rates across its UK landlord fixed rate range and added a new three-year mortgage product.
While the OneFamily Group has become the latest new member of the Association of British Insurers.
Skipton International, which sells UK buy-to-let mortgages to expats and non-UK resident nationals, has cut its five-year fixes rates to now start at 4.99%, from 5.99%.
It has also launched three-year fixes, starting at 5.89%.
“The UK’s buy-to-let sector has remained strong despite interest rate fluctuations,” says Skipton’s mortgage sales manager Lorraine McLean.
“Recent developments look promising, and the Bank of England’s November 2024 rate cut to 4.75% signals good news for property investors, and projections indicate rates may fall to 4.2% by 2026.”
Meanwhile, the OneFamily Group, which bought the Beagle Street brand in from BGL Insurance for an undisclosed fee in 2022, has joined the insurer’s trade body.
Beagle Street sells life and critical illness insurance among other products.
While the mutual sells Lifetime ISAs, over-50s life cover and various savings products.
OneFamily Group chief executive Jim Islam, adds: “We are pleased to have joined the Association of British Insurers and look forward to working alongside them as we begin our exciting growth plans and launch Beagle Street to the intermediary space later this year.”