HomeHOMEMichelle Obama should get her royal self to Trump's inauguration ceremony

Michelle Obama should get her royal self to Trump’s inauguration ceremony

What did anyone do to Michelle Obama that gives her an excuse not to attend Trump’s inauguration ceremony next week?  

Did anyone tell Michelle to sit in the back of the bus when she was growing up in Chicago? Was she banned from drinking from the whites-only water fountain at Harvard Law School?

Did Michelle and Barak get excluded from white neighborhoods because of their race–forcing them to buy their Martha’s Vineyard home in a segregated neighborhood?

I didn’t buy Michelle’s autobiography, but her Wikipedia bio tells us Michelle is a descendant of slaves? So what? 

Irish Americans are descendants of peasants who were virtually enslaved by the British for centuries. Louisiana Cajuns can trace their heritage to Le Grande Derangement when the British committed genocide against the French Catholic inhabitants of Nova Scotia. You know what? The Cajuns and the Micks got over it.

We live in a democracy built on an orderly transition of power after fair elections. As the Supreme Court instructed in Bethel School District v. Fraser, educators are responsible for ” teaching by example the shared values of a civilized social order ” and “demonstrating the appropriate form of civil discourse and political expression.”

Surely, the responsibility of civility also falls on public figures, including the spouse of a former U.S. president.

So put on your big girl pants, Michelle, and attend Donald Trump’s inauguration. No one expects you to dance with Donald at the inaugural ball or buy a Trump wristwatch. Just show up and be gracious. Is that too much to ask?

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