The government has confirmed that £350m will be invested to increase number of affordable homes and tackle rogue landlords in supported housing.
According to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, up to 2,800 extra homes will be built through a £300m boost to the Affordable Homes Programme, with half of these homes for social rent.
There will also be a £50m boost to the Local Authority Housing Fund to provide homes for those in need of better-quality temporary accommodation.
Further changes will also be set out by the government to help crack down on rogue landlords who are claiming uncapped housing benefit in return for providing squalid homes for vulnerable tenants.
The govt says the initiative will further deliver on its Plan for Change commitment to get Britain building, delivering 1.5 million homes and boosting living standards.
Commenting housing secretary Angela Rayner said:“For so many families, and their children, the security and safety of a home of their own remains firmly out of reach – and instead they have to live in temporary accommodation, including in B&Bs.
She added: “This is unacceptable and is the result of the housing crisis we are facing head on. That’s why we’re driving forward on our plans to ensure a better future for everyone who needs a safe home, building on our plans to drive up living standards and build 1.5 million homes through our Plan for Change.”
Chartered Institute of housing chief executive Gavin Smart commented:
“The housing crisis is one of the biggest challenges facing the country, and we know that increasing the supply of truly affordable homes is key to tackling homelessness, easing pressure on local authorities, and driving economic growth.
“This additional investment into affordable housing is therefore very welcome and will help support the delivery of much-needed affordable homes ahead of a new Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) at the forthcoming Spending Review.”