I had a stroke a couple of years ago, which impaired my left side. I walk with a cane now, which is no fun, and my semi-functional left side prevents me from participating in a host of enjoyable activities.
Consequently, I’ve gained some weight. A couple of weeks ago, I determined to go on a formal, serious diet–the first in my life.
I was attracted to the carnivore diet that would allow me to eat nothing but meat. Consuming a lot of ribeye steaks, pork chops, and bacon–how hard could that be?
I did some Google research, however, and learned about some downsides. Joe Rogan, the famous podcaster, tried the carnivore website and reported that it gave him diarrhea.
Pretty severe diarrhea. As Joe described it:
It’s a different thing, and with regular diarrhea, I would compare it to a fire you see coming a block or two away, and you have the time to make an escape, whereas this carnivore diet is like out of nowhere, the fire is coming through the cracks, your doorknob is red hot, and all hope is lost.
Other people warn that a meat-only diet is exceptionally dull. Eating a ribeye steak every day loses its appeal over time, the carnivores say, although I’m skeptical.
I finally settled on the Keto diet–which is a “high-fat, low carbohydrate diet that aims to put the body into a state called ketosis” (whatever the hell that means).
I’ve been on the Keto diet for about two weeks and haven’t lost a significant amount of weight. I feel better, however, as a result of giving up processed bread and sweets.
I’ve also given up alcohol. which was difficult. I’m drinking nonalcoholic beer now, which is pretty good. Heineken’s zero beer, in particular, is delicious and tastes like real beer.
Nevertheless, I’ve already found myself making compromises. It was impossible for me to get through the Superbowl last Sunday without a couple of brewskis.
I also found I can go only so long without a cheeseburger, and my religion requires that I quaff a Shiner when I eat that holy meal.
I decided I would enjoy a total of two alcoholic drinks on weekends and allow myself a weekly high-carb meal (cheeseburger, mothership pizza, enchilada plate, etc.)
Thus, I have not gone full Keto; I’ve gone half Keto. I’ll let you know how it works out.
Of course, the other half of a weight-loss regime is exercise. I’ve resolved to walk a half mile four times a week, which I think will help me lose weight.
It is no fun living with the damage from a stroke. My duck hunting days are over, and I’ll never crank another fishing reel.
There are compensations, however. With the help of my brother-in-law and a patient guide, I shot a deer last month in Alabama, and I’m feasting on low-carb venison meat.
To paraphrase William Wordsworth, nothing can bring back the splendor in the goddamned grass, but I’ll find strength in what remains behind.
And Keto or no Keto, I’m gonna have a Shiner now and then.
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Splendor in the goddamned grass |